Organic lime sourcing in a dynamic market


The market for organic limes is currently experiencing high dynamism, driven by strong consumer demand. However, this increased demand is facing significant supply constraints, stemming from various challenges in the main supplying countries. Below, you will find an overview of the current situation, organized by country, and the measures that Eosta has taken to stabilize the supply. 


The region has been affected by heat, resulting in lower production of quality fruits. However, very few organic limes are being exported to the EU anymore, as the American market offers much higher prices. In Colombia, there are mostly small-scale growers, and the cost price is relatively high. The organic consumer in the USA is willing to pay these prices. 


Export to the EU has almost completely ceased since last year due to better payment from the American market and stringent and costly EU requirements. Risks and costs for exporting to the EU and specific retail requirements in the EU have become too high for Mexican growers. 


Export to Europe, which had been steadily increasing in recent years, has almost completely stopped due to phytosanitary problems, with a partial resolution expected only in May or June. 


From mid-July, Eosta expects to offer organic limes again from Morocco. 


Eosta will also import some organic limes from Guatemala to meet the demand. 


The market for organic limes is under pressure due to various external factors, including weather conditions, phytosanitary issues, and competition from the American market. However, Eosta is committed to ensuring the supply to their customers through strong relationships with growers and diversification of the supply. 

With new harvests on the horizon from Latin America and Morocco, as well as alternative sources like Guatemala, Eosta is working hard to stabilize the supply for the European market. 

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