Product of the Week : Organic Kent Mango from Peru (week 1-2022)


Hello, my name is Jan and we grow organic Mango for Nature & More in the tropical climate in northern Peru. Given the fragility of our eco-system and the wealth it offers in terms of biodiversity ... ecological (organic) farming was the only option. Ecological farming is based on the principles of soil fertility, biodiversity and making use of local resources. All that suited us well, since we needed to preserve our soils and biodiversity. Since we could not afford any external inputs, we had to become creative with what we had at hand. 

This sweet, luscious fruit is wonderful when eaten fresh, but also great in smoothies, salsa’s, desserts or African guacamole.

Packaging: 4kg boxes, Natural Branding and other susbtainable packaging options. Contact your Eosta Accountmanager for all details. 

Visit my farm: - (code 120)

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