Update on ginger! First Chinese Fairtrade ginger expected!


Eosta was expecting the first shipment of Fairtrade certified organic ginger from its unique project in China in week 4. However, due to circumstances at the Red Sea, these containers have been delayed and are expected to arrive two weeks later. This ginger, known for its large size, usually has a higher resale value. We have great expectations from this crop.

Increased supplies of the new crop of 'regular' organic ginger from China are also expected. These deliveries are also experiencing some delays. Despite these challenges, the expectation is that the quality of the ginger will be worth the wait.

Smaller quantities of organic ginger are currently arriving from Peru due to climatic conditions in the previous year and low prices in recent years.

New Cultivation Projects in Europe

Eosta has recently set up its own organic ginger cultivation projects in four locations in Europe. These projects are in an experimental phase and focus on small-scale, specific cultivation methods. Initial results from these projects are promising and point to possible future expansion of locally produced organic ginger.

For more information on these developments or other questions, it is advised to contact Eosta's account manager.

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