Focus on UN Agenda 2030 and SDGs | World Organic Forum


Last week, the 5th World Organic Forum took place in Germany. The focus was on the local implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Prominent guests such as Vandana Shiva and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, have provided information on these topics and have identified solutions.

A selection of the specific points that have been addressed: 

  • How can the 17 goals be successfully implemented in rural regions through a bottom-up movement? 
  • What are the opportunities and added values of organic agriculture for implementing the SDGs in regions of the world?
  • What potential do communities of strong women, regenerative agrarian culture and new approaches to climate-friendly agriculture offer for anchoring the SDGs in everyday life on the ground?

During key notes, panel discussions and in interactive workshops, a common exchange of knowledge and experiences took place. The aim of the World Organic Forum is to promote the local anchoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in a practice-oriented way. Source:

At Eosta we have an interesting report for you: Part Of The Solution - Organic Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals. Since organic farmers all around the world refrain from using harmful agrochemicals and work as much as possible in harmony with nature, it is clear that these heroes can be seen as part of the solution. As this report proves, it is essential that we switch to more sustainable farming practices like organic. Download the Organic & SDG report here.


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