Our online meeting point: the Buzzziness Meeting place

As a result of Corona, meeting each other online remains important. Eosta has a special online meeting platform: the Eosta Buzzziness Meeting Place, with a starring role for the bees that swarm around our own Honey Hill. Previously, you could admire our organic pigs Antoinette and Francois here, but they live with their owner Pieter again, after they had thoroughly rooted around the hill. Now a specially laid out sea of flowers for wild bees, honeybees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects is growing there. With the webcams in our Buzzziness Meeting Place you can watch Honey Hill or take a look inside our sustainable headquarters.

More importantly, you can schedule an online meeting here in one of our online BUZZiness Meeting Rooms. We look forward to meeting you. See you in the Buzzziness Meeting Place!

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