The best organic grapes available year-round


The season of our South African organic grapes is now in full swing. These grapes, characterized by their full flavor and perfect texture, are a real treat for lovers.

However, the situation in South Africa is not without its challenges. Major delays in and around South Africa and Europe have somewhat hampered the delivery of our grapes. Despite these setbacks, we were fortunately able to provide well for our customers with established programs.

South Africa

Interestingly, despite inflation in Europe, demand for organic grapes was higher than last year. This may have to do with a strong mainstream market for grapes. Our plasticless packaging is also catching on well, creating additional demand for our limited available organic grape varieties.

We look forward to continuing the season in South Africa until around week 15. With a transition of a few weeks, we will transition the South Africa season into an offering with Chilean organic grapes. Please note that quantities of these grapes are limited and must be programmed and agreed upon by customers in advance to avoid disappointment.

After the South American period, European grapes will enter the market.... Starting with Spanish and Italian grapes, we will continue the season with Portuguese grapes from August through November. :. Then we will continue our overseas program so that our customers can enjoy the best organic grapes all year round.

We are proud of the steps we have taken and continue to take to provide our customers with top quality organic grapes almost year round. All of this is made possible by our dedicated growers and the hard work of our team.

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